Notice: The information contained and resources recommended on this website are for general information and educational purposes only and in their entirety do not necessarily reflect the beliefs of the Church of God in Christ, Mennonite.  The resources listed here have been found helpful, in parts or in their entirety, by some individuals at times.  They are recommended to be used with discretion and are not a substitute for professional, medical advice, treatment, or diagnosis.  We do not necessarily endorse links listed on some of these recommended websites.

Resources For Grief


Experiences of Healing in Times of Grief  by Frances Friesen
Dedicated to those who have experienced the death of a loved one, this book is intended to comfort grieving persons and help others understand the reality of the loss. The accounts related in this book reveal the long shadows of grief and the light and warmth of God’s promises as well as the healing He offers.

From Joy to Joy  by Sheila Petre
This book is a compilation of little poems and inspirations that were put together in memory of a little girl who was killed in an accident. It tells a little about what happened to this girl. Though this book was compiled in response to the loss of a child, most of the poems were not originally written with that in mind. They were written in answer to other losses. This book may be a comfort to anyone who is feeling the grief of losing a loved one.

God’s Grace in the Valley by Faythelma Bachtel
Do you feel alone in your grief, floundering in a quagmire of disappointment, doubt, and despair? Do you wonder how to adjust to a new normal as you grapple with the reality of your loss? Do you struggle to reconcile the love of God with the depth of your pain? The author, who suffered the loss of multiple family members, offers comfort and encouragement, companionship and counsel in these meditations. Her own journey gives her precious insights into the battle of those who grieve. Learn from her testimony of allowing her pain to move her closer to the Lord, finding Him to be a tender and loving Shepherd even in the valley of the shadow of death.

Good Grief  by Granger E. Westberg
Grieving is a natural process that we go through when something or someone important to us has been taken away, such as losing a loved one, losing one’s job, moving, and other upheavals in life. Written for both for the one grieving and the one comforting, this book touches on the various stages of grief and how, with God, we can heal.

Letter to a Grieving Heart  by Billy Sprague
A few months before they were to be married, Billy’s fiancée died in a car accident. He writes about the healing process and the time it takes. The arms of God are always undergirding the grief-stricken, even when it seems as if God and sunshine have moved on. Arranged with beautiful pictures, this small book holds out hope and comfort to those who hurt.

Little Angel, Tiny Miracle  by Delilah Schultz
Unthinkable tragedy struck. Heaven gained an angel, but here on earth a mother and her family were torn and plunged into a chasm of loss and grief. And then the Lord gave them the desire of their hearts and led them through another valley, a valley of miracles, when their son was born a micro preemie. Through it all, God’s power, mercy, and love are revealed many times.

Rejoicing in the Shadow  by Shirly Brubacher
When separate tragedies claim the lives of Ida and Susannah, their friends and family find comfort in dwelling in the secret place of the Most High. A true story of the strength God gives His children when a loved one is suddenly taken away. For youth and older readers.

When Loved Ones Are Called Home  by Herbert H. Wernecke
A gift booklet containing many Scriptures and comforting poems, written especially for those who have lost a loved one through death.

Words of Comfort  by James Smith
A reprint of a popular devotional book from bygone years. The poems and messages in this book are intended to be a companion to Streams in the Desert. These short devotional readings are a combination of scripture, poetry, and essays to provide comfort to those who have experienced loss or are in need.

Unless listed otherwise, these books are available from one of the following websites:

[The] director, Dr. Alan Wolfelt, has been recognized as one of North America’s leading death educators, authors and grief counselors. His compassionate messages about healing in grief—based on his own personal losses as well as his professional experience supporting children, teens, adults, and families over the last three decades—speak not only to the intellect but to the hearts of all who hear him. Perhaps best known for his model of “companioning” versus “treating” mourners, Dr. Wolfelt is committed to helping people mourn well so they can live well and love well.
“In 1983, Bill’s young wife, Carolyn, died very suddenly, leaving him to cope with his loss, and to care for their 2 boys, then only nine and seven. As first he seemed to be coping well, but after a few months, he was hit by an explosion of emotions that took him by completely by surprise. And worst of all was that people’s expectations seemed to that, by now, after three whole months, he should be ‘getting over it’. He wondered what was wrong and Why he couldn’t “pull myself together”

Bill writes: “Nobody told me that this was grief. Nobody told me what to expect, so the entire process caught me completely by surprise. What I would have given for someone to reassure me that what I was going through was normal.””


What is Grief?

Grief is a natural response to loss. It is loss of someone or something, loss of a relationship (friends, relationships with our Spouse, Mom, Dad, siblings, children) loss of work, loss of an opportunity, infertility, or loss of a safe or secure environment. Loss comes in many ways. It’s the emotional suffering you feel when something or someone you love is taken away. Often, the pain of loss can be overwhelming. It consumes energy and is hard work. We may experience all kinds of difficult and unexpected emotions, from shock or anger to disbelief, guilt, profound and sometimes overwhelming sadness. C.S. Lewis said, “I didn’t know grief felt so much like pain.”

Though I Walk Through the Valley

I have observed grief from a distance a few times. Somehow it’s a subject we simply hope to ignore. It happens all around us, but usually to someone else… but then grief hits you head-on and you are forced to pay tribute to its demands.