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The Cellar

"Nothing has changed," I tell myself. “Things are the same as they were before.” This is the line I preach over and over to myself, hoping to convince my mind to believe it. The inner conflict feels like a summer thunderstorm overhead; rolling and sweeping across the...

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Loaves and Fishes

“It’s not your job to feed the five thousand. You only need to provide the loaves and fishes.   -quoted by Dallas Jenkins I picture the crowds milling around Jesus and the disciples on that hillside. What were the thoughts of some of the people in that crowd? Did...

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The Devil in the Ditch

A Balanced View of Mental Health Preamble There is no doubt a greater awareness of mental health in our church circles, as well as in the world around us, than in the past. We have made strides towards a better recognition of not only the physicality and fallibility...

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Today we stand in a long corridor, with lots of doors. Some are closed, some swing idly on their hinges while others stand slightly ajar. Most doors are nondescript with little marking. Some of the doorknobs show evidence of daily use, while others appear tarnished...

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Sally’s Story

A little baby girl was born into a Christian home. Her mommy and daddy loved her so much. All they wanted was to love and protect her as much as possible. She was one of the luckiest and most blessed babies ever born. She had a Christian father and mother who went to...

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Five Things to do to Maintain Mental Health

As taught in Norway, based on British research and reported in a French news magazine, with comments (in italics) by the Canadian writer of this post. Establish social connections.(Social media connections don’t count.)Keep physically active.(Leave the car at home and...

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Healing Without Stigma

Is your heart crying today? There is a remedy. There is healing in your journey toward absolute joy despite your circumstances. No matter the grief, the turmoil, the anxiety, the abuse, the emotional and mental stress you are under, there is hope. There are tangible...

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The song says, “The scars remain to remind me.”* As a boy it seemed I was prone to all manner of cuts and scrapes. From my pocket knives, to other cuts and gashes that a boy collects growing up on a farm. Today, I see them, now faded with a few years of wear, and I am...

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Simple Tools

And Saul armed David with his armour, and he put an helmet of brass upon his head; also he armed him with a coat of mail. And David girded up his sword upon his armour, and he assayed to go; for he had not proved it. And David said unto Saul, I cannot go with these;...

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Design and Warranty

I was recently impressed by some insights on owls, taken from Inspired Evidence by Julie Von Vett and Bruce Malone. Various attributes of the owl were mentioned. These amazing birds of prey have incredible night vision which allows the bird to see, even when there is...

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